Choose 2 or 4 Bulldog Clips
Black bulldog clips are a simple and stylish way to hang your calendar. And, unlike poster strips, they can be re-used year after year.
The mouth of the clip is 2" wide.
Black thumbtacks are included for hanging the clips on the wall. The black color blends seamlessly with clips.
1. Decide how far apart you want your clips (I suggest 2-4" from the ends).
2. Using a straight edge and a level, mark two dots on the wall the correct distance apart.
3. Now attach your clips to the wall: put a thumbtack through the hole in the clip, hold the thumbtack in place with your thumb, and press the tack into the dot. If thumbtacks wont work on your wall try T-pins or tiny nails.
4. Now, with your clips in place, have a friend open a clip for you while you slide the calendar into it's grasp. Repeat with the other clip. Once the calendar is hanging, you can adjust the clips as necessary.
5. If necessary, you can attach another set of clips at the bottom of the calendar to anchor it more firmly to the wall.