Is Your Routine Disrupted? Good. Now is the PERFECT Time to Start a Better One

We are in a new place. The Corona Virus has disrupted the normal routine of everyone on the planet. The upside is that it's an excellent time to start new and better habits. And we are going to help you with that. "Really, is now a good time to start a habit?" Yes. Here's why.

Here's why

1. Habits bring stability
Your work, which takes most of your day, is very disrupted. Your kids are driving you crazy. And, if that wasn't enough, there's a virus infecting the whole earth. Routines have been shown to reduce stress and give you a deeper sense of peace. We could all use more of that right now. When things are very different than they've been, it helps our brains to establish a new normal that is consistent.

2. You have room for it
Maybe you're working from home now, maybe your hours have been reduced, and you DEFINITELY better not be going out as much as you were (you know who you are). So you have a little more time to add in a good habit. Stop spending hours worrying yourself with the latest Corona news, and all the things you can't change. Start working on something you can change, that will change you for the better.

3. You need to
We all need to be as healthy as we can be right now, if not for our selves, than for others we could infect. In times of economic uncertainty, we need to practice good financial habits. When our work is disrupted, we need to improve our skills or work on new skills if we have to change careers. I guarantee there is at least one area you can improve, for the benefit of you and your family, during this crisis.

Now is the perfect time to start a new and better habit!

Here's How:

Habits are the best way to build small positive changes over time. The best part about them is that, by definition, they eventually become automatic, thus changing your life for the better with less effort. Here are some tips for creating new habits.

1. Download our habit tracker
Fill this out and post it in a prominent place.

Click here to download the habit tracker PDF

2. Start small
Start with a simple, easy habit. The lower the barrier to entry, the more likely you will do your habit every day. And daily consistency is key to making your habit automatic! Once you have the automatic-ness established, then you can build on it.

Example: Do one pushup after you brush your teeth. Make one sales call before lunch.

If you're looking for a habit to help you be more productive, try planning your day first thing for 10 minutes when you start work. The Action Pad is the perfect tool for that.

3. Align with your goal
Choose a habit that aligns with your goal. For example: if your goal is to be healthier, your habit might be "walk around the block." But for other goals it is not as obvious. For my goal of getting more sales on Amazon, I have a habit called "work on my Amazon goal" where I review my ads, pricing, sales, etc. and make small adjustments.

If you're having trouble here, choose a habit that will eventually lead to a similar or related outcome as your goal. For instance, if you're wanting to improve your marketing which is a bit ephemeral, perhaps daily reading a book on marketing is an appropriate habit.

4. Choose a time and place
You are TWICE as likely to do something when you schedule a time and place to do it. Estimate how long your habit will take. Choose a time (or trigger) and a place where you will practice your habit every day. Using a "trigger" can be a handy tool in lieu of choosing a time. A trigger is something that happens, prompting you to do your habit. The best "trigger" is something you already do everyday, like: arriving at work, picking up your phone, brushing your teeth (you better!).

5. Set a reminder
Set a reminder on your phone. Even if you're using a trigger and not a set time, having a reminder on your phone will help you remember to react properly to the trigger.

6. Boost your odds
Here are a few optional tricks to try and boost your chances of building your habit.
- Visualize yourself practicing your habit at the chosen time & place. It will help you carry it out when the time comes.
- Tell your partner what you plan to do, or even find an accountabili-buddy to join you.
- Speak out loud to yourself what you will do, when and where.

7. Have grace for yourself
A common de-railer of building a habit is missing a day. When I miss a day, I think all hope is lost and I will never succeed. It helps me to remember that I am trying to slowly build a habit and that it will not look perfect. Some progress is MUCH better than no progress. Even missing every other day still gives you TONS more progress than if you did zero.

Start a habit this month!

Try it as a personal experiment. The prize is that you will eventually build a habit that is essentially an automatic tool making progress for you on your goals. You'll build discipline, make progress and learn about yourself. Join us!

Download the Habit Tracker PDF

Habit ideas

In case you need some ideas to get you thinking:

  • Walk around the block
  • Read one page
  • Write down 3 things you are grateful for
  • Plan your day
  • Call a friend
  • Do 3 push ups
  • Write a one sentence journal
  • Take your vitamin
  • Check your social media just once
  • Read devotion
  • Meditate
  • Memorize one scripture
  • Make your bed
  • Floss
  • Eat a healthy snack
  • Review your spending
  • Bring your lunch
  • Drink tea instead of coffee
  • Read your goals out loud
  • Wash your hands
  • Draw a sketch
  • Watch a tutorial
  • Read a blog post
  • Write a blog post
  • Take a free online class
  • Plant a seed and water it daily
  • Move one brick
  • Pull one weed
  • Make one sales call or email
  • Play a game with your kids
  • Text your better half
  • Take a picture

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